With SME-vital, we offer small and medium-sized companies an online-based toolbox containing work instruments for the area of health management. Sign up free of charge and take advantage of these tried-and-tested instruments and working principles.
An online-based health management toolbox for SMEs
SME-vital is a website (available in German, French and Italian) which promotes, coordinates and serves as an evaluation tool for the area of health management:
The core offering comprises the free programme made available to companies, combined with services for scientific data collection and evaluation.
SME-vital revolves around eight topics
SME-vital focusses on the following eight topics:
- Stress and burnout
- Career and family
- Work and age
- Employees with an immigration background
- Sexual harassment at the workplace
- Gender
- Addiction prevention
- Bullying
KMU-vital has a modular structure
All ten KMU-vital modules are freely accessible, logically structured and easy to understand:
- Introductory workshop
- Management survey
- Employee survey
- Health focus group
- Working approaches
- Teamwork
- Wellness
- Ergonomic aspects
- Promotion of health in the workplace as a managerial task
- Stress management
KMU-vital has been developed by specialists and is tried-and-tested in practice
SME-vital has been developed by experienced health management specialists and has been piloted over several years in 12 companies in Switzerland. The offering is scientifically evaluated and continuously improved based on experienced gathered on site.
Further information
For further information on the work instruments and their implementation within companies, please visit www.kmu-vital.ch. In addition to the website, a KMU-vital book has been also been published by the VDF-Hochschulverlag publishing house.